Monday, March 31, 2008

Some Me Time!! lol Whats that???

Well.. I sent Tristan to school today so I decided I would go back to bed and catch up on some long lost sleep...10 after 8 Tristan's teacher called wanting me to pick him up cause he wasn't feeling good,so I sent Dwight to go get him... As soon as he walked in the door he asked if he could play the Wii....haha yeah real sick!!! He ran around the house ALL day....Let me tell you he's going to school and staying there tomorrow....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's been a long time!!!

Omg I can't wait to feel better..The kids are finally feeling a little better now thank god! No sleep for me for 4 days(antibiotics are great) Tristan is going back to school tomorrow he hasn't been there in 12 days....oh i can't wait for so me time from 7:40 till excited. Other than taking care of sick kids and then getting sick myself there is absolutely nothing new that i can write about !!! So I shall write more tomorrow!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Amazing Cake

Thank you so much Tammy for making Kenzie's birthday cake...You did a great job!!! Not that I expected anything less, you're good at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

So sad!!!

Today sucked really bad. My poor car broke again, not even a month ago I spent $600.00 to put new struts, mounts and springs on it and guess what? We were driving along today and all of a sudden the strut came up right through the inside of my car!!!! I almost cried thinking about how I'm supposed to get my Tim's coffee in the morning... I can't even call Tammy to take me cause her car is broke too!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I was so tired this morning i did the unthinkable.....I shut the alarm off. All I need was 10 more minutes to sleep, yeah I woke up an hour later...jumped out of bed, got the boys dressed, feed them and out the door we went...I was still trying to open my eyes as I was driving them to school.
The only thing on my mind was coffee, so when I got back from driving the kids to school I woke up hubby and told him I was going to Tim Hortons..."Wait a bit and we will come with you" he says. I can't wait i need coffee now!!!!

So i finally got my coffee, and it didn't work! All I wanted to do was wake up a bit, that never happened i was exhausted all day..Accomplished nothing!

That's why I'm going to bed now!!!! Night Night

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am so sick of hockey being on my TV every night...My husband is a total fanatic, its almost sickening...I can understand him wanting to watch his favorite team when they are playing but to watch a game every night is a little much!! I never get to watch anything. ( it sucks) When you walk into the kids playroom-dining room all you see is hockey paraphernalia. That's all he got for x-mas Toronto stuff, toothbrush, socks, license plate, right down to dinky cars....I just can't wait for the season to end!!!

When does it???

Don't get me wrong i LOVE the leafs!!!! just need a break from them!!! lol

Monday, March 10, 2008

I love babies!!!!

My kitty is going to have babies any day now!!! I'm so excited, I love little baby animals. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of animal it is as long as its a baby i love it. Here's a little sad story for ya's..
Once upon a time this girl named Brandi was at her aunt Tammy's house helping her move her big garbage box at the end of her driveway when all of a sudden rat's were running everywhere.
Tammy took off running to the shed to get a pitchfork and started killing them...Brandi was yelling at her to stop as she was helping them escape buy throwing them across the road so they could get away!!! Only the baby ones!!! I had to give them a shot at life. I mean Brandi had to.

So what I'm trying to say is i have a weakness for animals, all animals big or small. I think I've had almost every kind of animal that could be a pet...I had a baby goat that i bottle fed, Billy was so cute! A Bal Python, he was 5 feet long, 2 Rats, hamsters, g pig, birds, fish, cats and dogs.... There are more but I'm not gonna list all the things that i collected when i was a kid..tadpoles, mice know the usual stuff kids play with. lol

Can you tell I live in the country?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mommies girl!!!!

She's not even 3 yet and all she is interested in is make up, dresses and purses....she so pretty!!! I'm locking her up till she's 20....

Friday, March 7, 2008


This is the tattoo I'm really thinking about getting on the back of my neck!!! Anyone know if this really means Family????

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Princess Kenzie!!!!

My daughter thinks she's a REAL princess...I went today a bought the supplies for her birthday on the 15th, the cake that she wants is $50.00.(can you imagine) So didn't i get the bright idea to make the same cake for cheaper...yeah right, the pan that i had to buy was $30.00,then i had to buy a Barbie to put in it..$10.00.Plus icing, food coloring...ect..what I'm trying to say is it would have been cheaper to buy the cake!!!!

I'm pretty excited for the's a Royal Ball...the girls have to dress up as princesses and the boys's gonna be so cute seeing all the little kiddies all dressed up..I bought a 3 tier fountain to put punch in and got little plastic wine glasses...oh I'm so excited. I wish i had birthday parties like that when i was a kid..

Oh and i can't forget to thank Tammy...she's making the cake for me..THANKS Tam!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well the snow is slowly leaving thank goodness!! I think we all have had enough of it. Today was a much better day then yesterday, the kids were great, i got lots of housework done and even got to talk to my Grandmother ( i haven't talked to her since January) she went to Flordia with a friend of hers that had just lost her husband...She said she's having lots of fun, joined the Red hat club. (you know those lady's that wear the red hats with the purple shirts)It's good for her but i sure do MISS her, she's my BEST FRIEND...other than Tammy..

I'm missing nan so much I'm just going to put a picture on here of her at Christmas time!!! One of the last times i saw her!!!


I got this tag from Tammy

1. Last person you had a deep and meaningful convo with? My Grand-mother
2. Where was the last place you went? Tim Hortons
3. If you could be with your first love, would you? Heck NO
5. Who was your first crush? Honestly can't remember
6. What was the last thing you highlighted? My hair
7. Who is the last baby that you held? Rayha, My friends baby
8. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names? My Mother in law is a twin..Joan & Janet
9. Are you ticklish? Yes
10. Have you ever worn a crown? Yes, On my wedding day
11. Last time you saw fireworks? Canada Day
12. Who is the last person you hugged? My Kids
13. Do you have a black dog? I don't have a dog
14. Do you have a little black dress? Yes
15. What are you wearing right now? Sweats
16. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Grandma, in Flordia
17. Do you like coffee? Yep
18. Are you missing someone? My Grandma
19. Reason behind why you last cried? Stress out from work
20. How much cash do you have on you? None till tonight at midnight!!!
25. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? 0
26. What would you choose, a million bucks or to be able to change a regret? Million bucks
27. What's on your mind right now? I need a smoke
28. Do you have a deep dark secret? Not that atleast one person doesn't know
29. Do you wish you were with someone right now? Grandma
30. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? All my teachers were girls
31. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? Talking back to the old man!!!lol
32. What was your childhood nickname? Bran Flakes
33. Do you have any strange phobias? Spiders...Grossss
34. Have you ever played naked twister? poker is a different story
36. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? The boogie man
38. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? Yep more than one!!!
39. Do you crack your knuckles? Not to often
40. What's one thing that can always be found in your refrigerator? Ketchup
41. What color are your bed sheets?White with pink flowers
42. How many kids do you plan on having? I got 3... can't have anymore... yeahhhhh
43. What did you do today? Visited Tammy, cleaned, cooked, went to Tims for coffee..thats about it
44. How would you like to die? I'm scared to die.. so i'm just not gonna!!!
45. Have you ever been in love? Yes
46. When is the last time you went out of the state (province)? 4 years ago
49. Do you judge people? Sometimes....I know i shouldn't
50. Generally, in life, what makes you happy? My family and friends and MONEY

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WoW What a day!!!!

It's quiet finally!!!!! Now for some time to myself! It's been crazy here all day hubby's been laying new floor in Kenzie's room, Kenzie decided to do her make-up...there was more make-up on my couch then there was on her face....Tristan has just been running around being a weirdo...Tyler has been the only kid that hasn't stressed me out today and thats only because he's not here!!!lol To make matters worse my house was a mess and i mean a kenzie's bedroom was in my living room when we had visitors show up....It was really nice to see had been almost 3 years since he's been back from Alberta but some notice would have been nice, you know just a few mins to straighten up a bit...tuck stuff under the couch...throw stuff in the but nope that didn't happen! I was so embarrassed!!! Ok so now about the non-stressful stuff we went and visited Tammy today for a bit had a coffee and a smoke!(talkin about smoke Tammy's smokin hot!!!) She told me to say that!!!! hehehehe Oh how sad that is that that was the only time today that i wasn't stressed... Tomorrow will be a better day..........

No time

Every time i try and write something my kids start screaming....So i'm gonna wait until they are in bed tonight and sit back and relax and type!!!

Thanks Tammy for these awards!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Thanks to all who have commented on my first blog...I'm sure with Tammy's help i shall suceed!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


All right here i go.....To tell you the truth i have no idea what i'm doing, i was at my Aunt Tammy's today and i was watching her work on her blog (she really seems to know what she's doing) and she told me i should start one.... so here i am!!! Clueless. So she says" just IM me when you get all set up and ill help you through it." I've been IMing here half an hour yet no response. So i've takin it into my own hands and i'm gonna figure it out myself. But hey if anyone feels the need to help feel free........